Sunday, January 28, 2007

What's it like to be a Behavorial Scientist?


Jorge said...

Would a humanities degree suffice for the requirements, or would I need to change my degree?

Unknown said...

Jorge - check out the link on the right called Classification Requirements. It will show you which degrees are required for all of the AFSCs. For Behaviorial Scientists it reads:

3.2.2. 61S1B. Undergraduate academic degree in behavioral science, organizational/industrial psychology, applied psychology; general psychology, experimental psychology; human factors psychology; or human factors engineering is mandatory. Minimum of 12 credit hours of study from an accredited institution of higher education from among the disciplines of mathematics, statistics, quantitative methods, research analysis, research design, research methods, modeling simulation, or systems engineering is mandatory.

Quiet Professional said...

Any suggestions on base preferences? Wright-Patterson, Brooks, Randolph, Edwards, others? Thanks

Mantis said...

I’ve read that leadership opportunities as a scientist has to be sought out. You can volunteer to lead dining outs or CFC campaigns. What else have any of you participated in or do you know of and recommend?

RequiemByFire said...

I just got selected for Behavioral Science as my Air Force AFSC. What bases are available to me, and what opportunities are there to advance from there? I had heard that Joint/Special Forces Psychological Operations with the Army recruits from Behavioral Science.

Anyone able to help?