Sunday, January 28, 2007

A day in the life of a scientist


Mantis said...

This question is more for the biologists. How often do scientist use weekends for work? Is it voluntary or are you guys called in to work extra?

Med/Peds doc said...

I am not a scientist in the air force. I was a scientist for 10 years before going to medical school and doing medicine. I did biological research. We were never told what hours to work (at the Smithsonian and Florida State University). We went in on weekends because either (a) we were doing timed experiments and we had to take a reading or process a sample at that time, or (b) we had animals that needed feeding, or cell cultures, and the media needed changing or (c) we were working on a grant proposal and with deadlines close, we needed to generate more data or (d) we felt like it or (e) it was time to give our rats christmas dinner, or thanksgiving lunch or whatever.

ad1526 said...

I just got my AFSC and was surprised when it was 61SXA. Can anyone you tell me a few opportunities that are available and what an average day would be as a 2d Lt?

fuzzywells said...

For the 61SXA, check out the Scientific Analyst blog:

You'll find out it is very dependent on where you go. I am convinced there is no such thing as a "typical" scientific analyst.